How To Run Msiexec From Powershell
how to run msiexec from powershell

how to run msiexec from powershell

Run Msiexec From Powershell Download The AdoptOpenJDK

Once you find the display name of the package you will have the package ID.Since we do not have your system we cannot be of more help than to answer a well formed question. With VBScript, using the Wscript.Shell object Run () method, I can get the result like this:Need silent install because I am doing it when building my Windows JDK11 docker image.First download the AdoptOpenJDK OpenJDK 11 Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile C:\Temp\openjdk11.msiTrying with silent install: Start-Process -Wait -FilePath msiexec -ArgumentList /i, "C:\Temp\openjdk11.msi", "ADDLOCAL=FeatureMain,FeatureEnvironment,FeatureJarFileRunWith,FeatureJavaHome", "INSTALLDIR='C:\Program Files\Java'", /quietThe install process just hangs there forever.Got a solution. With BAT/CMD script I can simply use 'msiexec /i /quiet /norestart' and then check errorlevel for the result. This works when called from a DOS command line, but MSIEXEC complains that things aren't right when I call it from powershell.Run MsiExec from PowerShell and get Return Code. It first calls msiexec to run the MSI with /I option (normal installation).I am trying to execute the following line from a powershell script: msiexec /qb /i ps-pulse-win-5.2r5.1-b897-64bitinstaller.msi CONFIGFILE'ALS GSLB.jnprpreconfig'. Msiexec.exe /I \\Share\repository\mymsi.msi /quiet /norestart will run the MSI.

how to run msiexec from powershell

Then stopped with no error or message.I've tried researching and some people say to start your argument list with a /c - I've tried that to no avail. I just wish I could figure out why running this as an admin is failing (it doesnt even output an MSI log and event viewer just says it started. However it prompts me for admin credentials (if provided via GUI it works great!).But this script will be run unattended.

how to run msiexec from powershell